With an amazing range of badass weapons and characters with different abilities, there are also some serious bosses that will provoke you if you are not prepared for what’s coming.
No particular boss fights in a similar way as some bosses hit heavy but move slow, and some are fast and nimble with less damaging attacks. Nevertheless, every boss in borderlands will provide you with a challenge worth fighting and sometimes rewards you with sweet legendary drops too.
All Bosses in Order in Borderlands 3
Below are all the bosses in chronological order. You will encounter these bosses in campaign mode, where you progress revealing secrets and unlocking cool and useful weapons. We will also provide you with tips and tricks to avoid significant attacks while dealing heavy damage.

He is the first boss you will encounter in Borderlands 3. Shiv is one of the influential members of the children Of the Vault(COV). COV is one of the main antagonist factions, and its location is in the barren desert of Pandora.
Being a first boss, he is pretty easy to fight since he uses a knife and no long-range weapons, but his ground-slamming shockwaves can reach you, so be on the lookout. Stay in range, and shooting him brings Shiv down in no time.
Since bosses are re-spawnable, you can go back and fight him again to get some sweet low-tier weapons, but he can also drop legendary items in some rare cases. He has a high chance of dropping Ripper SMG and Moxxi’s Bouncing Pair.

The fight is all about dancing to the beat of the music. The hype of Blowing up EDM and gunning down the boss is exhilarating as much as it’s challenging. The Mouthpiece brings out some glare and flares to the arena along with COV that occasionally distract you from the battle.
Keep yourself away from glowing wires when you hear the charging noise because they will explode if you are in close vicinity. You can find loot boxes in the corners of the arena that will aid you in your fight. Also, use COV soldiers to deal minimum damage.
The best strategy to kill Mouthpiece is to continuously move around the area to get an opportunity to shoot him in the back because he wields heavy shields that defend him from your attack. You can farm him for legendary weapons as he has a high chance of dropping Mind killer along with Nemesis and ECHO-2.

Gigamind is the brainiac robot affiliated with the Maliwan group. You will encounter him in the Meridian Metroplex on the planet Promethea when you go on a Hostile Takeover mission.
There are several ways to defeat Gigamind, but you should use the tactics to run and gun. You can either use high DPS weapons and close attack range while also taking cover or use elemental damage weapons. I recommend using element weapons in the second phase, where he uses shields.
You need to go around and shoot him in the back when he uses a shield. Don’t forget to take cover from his projectiles and shockwaves when his shield glows red. You can farm Gigamind for the legendary Smart gun and Red card shield.
Captain Traunt

This Boss is a tank, and it takes a lot of your time, so make sure to regain your health and shield while dodging his attacks. He will create an ice barrier if you approach him in close combat and will throw cryo and lava balls that circle around the arena.
Getting hit by Cryo will slow you down while the lava balls create puddles on the floor that decrease the player’s health. You have to shoot Truant’s generator, which results in a high chance of landing a critical hit.
However, the generator is located in his back, so it might be tricky to flank and dodge because he will also have exploding projectiles in his arsenal of weapons. You can use arches and beams for some cover, but the homing Cryo can blast in your vicinity.
You can, however, use the aggressive way to run and gun Truant’s back, but this requires you to reach a decent level and have high DPS weapons. If you are confident enough, you can farm him for legendary drops such as Tankman’s shield and Kaoson submachine gun.
Katagawa Ball

As you progress through the story, you will encounter a large Death Sphere guiding the second piece of Promethean Vault key at the end of the Space Laser Tag story mission.
Katagawa Ball is a giant robot ball that shoots a fireball that has a five seconds Area Of Effects(AOE). The battle is more like a hide and peak as the boss has the upper hand flying in the arena. Make intense use of cover against his projectile, especially between the two big generators.
You can use a weapon with serious corrosive damage to bring down his shield but remember to check on your health because he can hit heavy, and you can go down on three or four hits.
If you are getting killed repeatedly, then I suggest you change the cover and find which area works the best for you. Katagawa has a high chance of dropping Legendary Brainstormer shotgun.
Katagawa Jr

He is the third main antagonist of Borderlands 3 and also the tyrant of the Maliwan group. You will find him in the Atlas headquarter on the planet Promethea. Katagawa Jr is fast and won’t say in one place for too long, so you don’t have to run around the area like other previous bosses.
You can stay in small confinement and finish him off but make sure to dispose of his clone if necessary. One way to take down his clones is by blasting off power generators scattered around the area. He will either jump to a nearby tower and snipe you or come down for a short melee attack.
Break down his shields before it regenerates and use heavy attacks while he is down. Pretty soon, the game of hit and run will be over.
The Rampager

Rampager is one of the deadly creatures of Borderlands 3. He is one of the vault beasts that resides deep below Promethea. You will encounter Rampager in the Forgotten Basilica on the Planet Promethea.
Fighting a Rampager boss is like fighting three different bosses one after another because the beast changes its appearance, attack pattern, and elements in each stage.
His first attack is performing a ground pound and shooting out fireballs in every direction. He will get stunned after shooting repeatedly. Deal as much damage before he goes immune.
He will not heal with the blue flying orb, but shooting them down will drop some ammo and health.
His second attack does incendiary damage and will also span some Eridian wrath. He becomes more aggressive in tearing down pillars, and his final stage will have corrosive damage. His final form will be jumping at each side of the room while shooting trails of fireballs.
It’s a long and exhausting fight but with your dodging and running while maintaining distance until you get him stunned and finish off the battle.

Warden is a member of the COV that belongs to the human mutant race. You will find him at the far corner of the Anvil district on the planet Eden 6. He is also the first Goliath boss you will encounter in your journey.
As a Goliath enemy boss, he will get aggressive after every progressive damage you deal to him. He has three armor sets, and destroying each armor will make him immune to your attacks.
Keep your distance and take cover if necessary while he shoots rockets and lasers at you if he still has armor intact. He will start leaping and attacking you at a close range when you completely destroy his yellow shield bar and start damaging his health.
He will start attacking his allies to level up and gain health. He is vulnerable to attacks during his transformation so deal as much damage as possible and also use special ability because it’s insanely difficult to beat him if he levels up enough.
Billy, The Anointed

Billy is one of the Goliaths from the COV group, and he is named Anointed after Troy used his phase lock powers to anoint Billy. Now he is a purple Goliath named Billy, The Anointed.
You can find him in the manor theater of Jakob’s estate on the planet Eden 6.
He has shock wave claps, deploy flaming skulls towards you, and a lightning purple ball, but the most annoying is the teleportation that makes you vulnerable to use covers. The best option is to battle in an open area and maintain distance while shooting.
You can use manor’s theater stage to move while anticipating his moves and getting in a range for run and gun.

GenIVIV is a flagship machine developed by Maliwan and located in the family jewel at the end of Jakob’s flagship. You will find her at the Voracious Canopy on the planet Eden 6.
It’s a chaotic battle of dodging her bouncing projectiles and chasing drones. She has two kinds of shields, blue and yellow. Once you destroy her blue shield, the fight goes to the next phase as she creates barriers around the room. These barriers will stop your bullets from dealing her damage.
If you are taken down, you can use the drones for the second wind as they are easy to shoot and don’t deal much damage. Just keep in mind for the mines and don’t get hit by bouncing projectiles.
Aurelia Hammerlock

She is the second antagonist of Borderlands 3 and also a Vault Hunter who helped Handsome Jack rise to power. Her location is in Black barrel Cellars on the planet Eden 6.
Aurelia is a Cryo build character, so she has a lot of Cryo attacks and takes less damage from Cryo. She also has an Area of Effects that will slow down your movement with freeze. She will also create a block of ice to regenerate her shield. Shoot the ice block down before she gains her shield bars.
There will be some COV to attack you, but you can simply ignore them as they won’t do much damage. However, you can kill them to gain a second wind. Upon killing Aurelia, she will have a 30% chance to drop legendary items such as Juliet’s Dazzle, Frozen Heart and Firestorm.
The Graveward

You will encounter it shortly after beating Aurelia during the story progression. The second vault boss was imprisoned by Eridians. You will encounter the Graveward in the Floating Tomb on planet Eden 6.
It’s a huge boss that can tilt the platform you’re on. If it does that, simply run uphill, dodging its corrosive blobs, or you can hide under the little hole in each side of the platform. You want to shoot the yellow spot at the chest and its arm because those are the spots where you can land a critical hit.
After dealing enough damage, it will get stunned, landing face on the platform. Land a barrage of bullets in its critical spot before it wakes up. He will also spawn minions after a while. They can be easily avoidable and take a bit more time to kill for a second wind.
You can farm Graveward for the legendary drop because it has a 30% chance to drop Ward, Grave, or the lob.

Carnivora is not a monster or any other character but a huge Vehicle with an arsenal attached to it. A giant tank fortress run by the Pain and Terror crew of COV.
It’s a pretty straightforward fight that will have you chasing the giant vehicle and blowing up the cylindrical parts. You will encounter enemy vehicles, but they won’t do much harm if you take them out serially. The vehicle explodes after shooting down the required area, and it’s over.
The Agonizer 9000

The Agonizer 9000 is a giant killing machine operated by pain and Terror. You will face the Agonizer in the final stage of the Blood Drive story mission. This killing bot is located in the guts of Carnivora that you just defeated on the planet pandora.
With its several attacks, Agonizer also has several weak points. Look for the glowing red spot around the machine, and its eyes also have critical spot damage. Use a corrosive weapon against his armor to deal great damage. Move around the Agonizer to spot and shoot its weak spot.
There are visual cues and also announce the attack beforehand so you will have time to anticipate and dodge its attack. During the fight, it will send out minions that are very weak and can be used for a second wind.
The Agonizer 9000 can be farmed for several drops, although its chance of dropping legendary weapons is low.
Troy Calypso

He is one of the main antagonists of Borderlands 3 and also the co-leader of COV. You can find Troy in the Great Vault on the planet Pandora.
Keep your distance as he will do close combat with his sword, and also, you can easily dodge his energy orbs if you are maintaining distance. As the fights continue, he will become more and more aggressive, and his speed might often catch you in close range.
Running and sliding is the most effective way to dodge his close combat and also his rockets. Stay clear of any glowing areas while he begins to recharge. Also, he will summon enemies while recharging.
He will gain momentum and a large word in the third phase, while his fourth phase consists of throwing down large meteor rocks. Keep a consistent lookout on your health while raining bullets on him and dodging his rocks. Troy Calypso has a 30% chance of dropping Occultist or Vosk’s Deathgrip.
General Traunt

The second last boss of Borderland 3. He is here to take revenge on his younger brother Samual Truant. His location is in desolation’s Edge of the planet Nekrotafeyo, and you will encounter him during the playthrough campaign of the story Footsteps of Giants.
He is a powerhouse human of the Maliwan group. Just like his younger brother, he has a weak spot on his back. Shock attacks are really effective against his shields. While you move around the map, look out for his toxic homing orbs.
General Truant has both shock and corrosive attacks that deal heavy damage. These attacks also have an Area of Effect for a short period of time, so be aware of the place you are standing.
Like most bosses, you can dodge most of his attacks by running around the arena while damaging his health little by little. I recommend using the Transformer shield to absorb his shock and corrosive attacks.
Farming General Truant will have a 30% chance of obtaining legendary weapons such as DNA or Recursion.
Tyreen the Destroyer

She is one of the main antagonists of Borderlands 3 and also a fusion of Tyreen Calypso and The Destroyer. In her quest to become an all-mighty god, she opens the vault and fuses with the Destroyer. This is the final boss of the story mission, and she is located in Destroyer’s Rift on the planet Pandora.
While the Destroyer takes on the fight, Tyreen herself is vulnerable to attacks and hides under the Destroyer. She will throw different projectiles at you, including Eridium rocks. The Eridium rocks can be punched back to stun her.
There are several stages during the fight. Staying focused on her little movement will allow you to anticipate her next move. While you are running and gunning, try to aim for her head as it is a critical hit spot.
After enough damage, she will sink into the Destroyer, making herself immune. Climb up from the Destroyer and finish her.
She will have a 15% chance of dropping legendary items.