At first glance, it may seem like there is not much to do in Minecraft other than running around and building things. But the more you play the game, the more you understand the vast experience it can provide you.
You are not just limited to the storyline in Minecraft. It presents to you a sandbox where you can build, explore, and find different treasures hidden throughout its open-world map.
So without further ado, let’s look at 35 things you can do in Minecraft.
1. Killing the Ender Dragon
Although it is the main storyline, Minecraft does little at explaining the quest to you. Thus you may not even have any idea of the Ender Dragon existing in the game, especially if you are a beginner.

So you can make yourself stronger through various game mechanics and find the Stronghold to come across an End Portal. Only then will you be able to slay the Dragon and finish the storyline.
2. Visit the End City
If you were to notice the surroundings right after killing the Ender Dragon, you could see a flash of light in the distance. You will find a small portal, and if you enter it, you will reach a similar place to the End.

Explore the new area, and you will come across a huge purple building and a floating ship next to it. Explore both the places and get great loot in the chests. Furthermore, you can also get the Elytra in the End Ship, which lets you glide and soar the sky. Don’t forget to get the Dragon Head while you are at the ship.
3. Summon And Kill the Wither
Ender Dragon is not the only boss in Minecraft. You can also summon the Wither and slay it. Slaying this boss will give you a Nether Star, which in turn, helps you craft a beacon, another useful item in the game.

Of course, summoning the Wither is not an easy task. You will need to visit the Nether and grind till you collect three Wither Skulls from the Wither Skeletons. Along with some Soul Sands, you can summon the boss wherever you want and kill it.
Furthermore, you can spawn the Wither as many times as you want. If you want to present a challenge, why not try summoning two of them at the same time?
4. Respawn the Ender Dragon
If you are someone who has already killed the Ender Dragon and you want to relive the experience, worry not. Minecraft lets you respawn the Ender dragon as many times as you wish.

All you need to do is craft four End Crystals and place them on the Bedrock where the Dragon sits. You will be rewarded with dramatic visuals of the End Crystals respawning on the towers and finally the Dragon.
Furthermore, killing the Ender Dragon also opens up a new portal to a new End City, which means you can go ahead and grab another Elytra.
Additionally, respawning the Ender Dragon also gives you an advancement, “The End… Again…”
5. Unlock All the Achievements
Speaking of achievements, you can always challenge yourself to complete all the achievements in the game. There are a total of 95 advancements in the game under five different tabs. You can always check the advancements by pressing the L key on your keyboard.

The tab Minecraft has 16 achievements, and the Nether tab has 24. Similarly, the End tab has nine advancements. The tabs Adventure and Husbandry have 28 and 18 of them, respectively.
Trying to unlock all of the advancements can definitely give you a challenge, especially when there are some that demand you find all the biomes or fight every mob in the game. Additionally, there are also some hidden achievements you can unlock. But those only come to the view after you complete them.
6. Create Your Server
Are you tired of playing Minecraft alone? If so, you can easily create your server and invite your friends to play with you. You can then build fascinating buildings and take over the Minecraft world together.
You can also progress the story with your friends, challenge each other, or even enable PvP and fight to the death and see who comes out victorious. The possibilities are endless.
7. Build Super Structures
Since Minecraft has a variety of materials, you can collect the ones you need, get creative and build giant structures. Even if the process takes a while, the end will always be rewarding. You can even go online and find out different designs you can take on and build it in your world.

If you want to give yourself a challenge, you can try building structures like a giant castle, statue, or ships in survival, where the hostile mobs of the game always threaten you.
8. Upgrade Your Base
While you are at it, why not try upgrading your base? You can take inspiration from the real world and build a beautiful mansion for you to live in the game. Taking inspiration from the real world can also present a challenge as you will have to find the resources that can represent your build as close as possible to the world.

If you are taking inspiration from the real world, you can also take on the projects of building superstructures like the Statue of Liberty or even the whole of New York City.
9. Build a Farm for Everything
The more you build, the more addictive it gets. So why not try building useful structures such as an XP farm or a gunpowder farm in Minecraft? These types of farms can give you a ton of experience points and resources that you can use in the game to make new items and enchant them.
There are various farms you can build in the game. Furthermore, you can also browse the internet and look for blueprints or tutorials to make the farms. Some of the farms you can build are:
- Concrete Farms
- XP Farms
- Gunpowder Farms
- Bamboo Farms
- Ender Pearls Farms
- Mending books Farms
- Wool Farms
There are so many other farms you can build in the game. Furthermore, if you know the basics of these farms, you can try to design your own independently.
10. Create an Adventure Map
If you want to invest some time in building things, create a map with fully functioning NPCs and other stuff and invite your friends. You can then go on an adventure with your friends and take on unique challenges.
You can also go online and look for different maps made by Minecraft fans worldwide. These can give you a new experience and make you face a ton of puzzles. Such maps definitely give you a thrill and get you out of your boredom.
11. Play With Mods
Mods in Minecraft are completely legal and free to install. You can browse the variety of mods on popular websites such as CurseForge. Such pages give you an abundance of mods to make your game look different or increase the difficulty level.

It is easy to install Mods in Minecraft using plugins like Forge and Fabric. Furthermore, you can also install modpacks in the game that can give you a completely new storyline, bosses, and mobs to rejuvenate your love for Minecraft.
12. Explore the Game
While Minecraft is an open-world game, the map is also randomly generated, which means each world you create is different. You can put on your exploration boots and go on an epic journey across the biomes, looking for treasures, rare mobs, and hidden features in Minecraft.

Additionally, Minecraft’s new update, Cave and Cliffs, has added so many elements to the game. There are deeper caves and higher mountains to traverse, different materials to get your hands on, and even finding shiny Amethyst geodes in the game.
13. Find All the Music Discs
Music discs are unique items in Minecraft that go in the jukebox. You can find these discs scattered all across the map in various places such as the Woodland Mansion, Buried Treasure, and more.

Since you cannot craft music discs, you will have to put in some leg work. There are certain ways to get the discs; for instance, if you make the skeleton kill a creeper, it will drop a music disc. You can also conquer the Bastion in the Nether and hopefully find the newest addition, “Pigstep.”
Keep exploring, and maybe you will come across the rare disc “11” and have the creepiest experience of Minecraft.
14. Make Your Music
If you are not new to the game mechanics, you may know about the Noteblocks in Minecraft. These are the unique blocks that produce musical notes. They are Redstone blocks, meaning they need Redstone pulses to work.
Additionally, having different blocks underneath the Noteblock produces different sounds. So get creative, find out which blocks work for you best and create a masterpiece.
15. Make Insane Redstone Mechanism
Redstone may particularly interest the Redstone engineers out there, but that does not mean you should not play around with it. You can use the versatility of Redstone and its components and make some mind-blowing circuits such as an automatic door, automatic staircase, or even a car.
There are many uses of Redstone, even in the early stage of the game. Use the buttons, comparators, repeaters, Sunlight Detectors, and many other things and experiment until you understand its mechanics. Then, surprise everyone with the crazy machine with your signature on it.
16. Conquer the Nether
We all know we need to go to the Nether to progress the game, But Nether has its own bit of exploration waiting for you. The Nether update in 1.16 Minecraft gave us the variety of biomes in the Nether, each with unique items.

From Basalt to Crimson trees, you can go on a hunt to explore all the new things in the Nether if you have not.
Additionally, if you have already acquired Elytra, you can fly in the Nether and have an exciting adventure.
17. Dig Up a Fossil
You may be wondering, “Are there Fossils in Minecraft?” The answer is yes, and they exist in the pixellated world. You can head over to the Swamp or the Desert Biome and start digging them up.
Fossils are huge bone-block structures buried underground. You can expedite and look for the remains of the ancient creatures and put them up for display on your server. Alternatively, if displaying it does not interest you, you can dig them up and use the resources as well.
18. Go on A Netherite Hunt
Netherite is one of the rarest resources in Minecraft. You will need to go through quite a lot of digging and explosion in the Nether to get Ancient Debris. You will then have to smelt the Ancient Debris to get a Netherite Scrap, collect four of those and mix them with Gold to get a Netherite Ingot finally.
You can always use heaps of TNT or Beds in the Nether and create explosions. But worry not, it cannot destroy Ancient Debris. However, make sure to stay away from the flowing lava that may enter your tunnel.
19. Collect Rare Items
Speaking of the rare Netherite, you can widen your search and look for other rare items in the game as well. Some of the rare items and mobs in the game include:

- Nether Star
- Blue Axolotl
- Mob Heads
- Music Discs
- Sponges
- Heart of the Sea
- Totem of Undying
- Bottle o’ Enchanting
- Enchanted Golden Apples
While some are rare, you can get lucky and get them quickly or create a farm. But some, such as the Enchanted Golden Apple, are really hard to come by and are usually in the Mineshafts.
20. Play on Other’s Server
It may feel like playing on someone else’s server is still the same. But who knows, there might be some mods or plugins the admin installed, and you have no idea about it.
It is always good to look for open servers and play in those. You can meet many other people and who knows, a close friendship may be inevitable.
21. Create a Challenge For Yourself
Was the Ender Dragon and the Wither not really a challenge for you? Then why not try defeating them together? It sounds like a bad idea, and having the Dragon and the Wither come at you simultaneously can be nerve-wracking.

Consecutively, the Wither may focus on attacking the Ender Dragon, but it is best to remember that the Wither cannot harm the Dragon. So you will have to focus on both and kill them one at a time.
22. Conquer the Ocean Monument
The Ocean Monument is another structure in Minecraft you can find underwater. These are huge buildings made out of Prismarine blocks and are guarded by Pufferfish-like mobs called the Guardians.

Conquering the Ocean Monument may seem like an easy task if you use the Potion of Water Breathing. But as soon as you get near the monument, you are hit with the Mining Fatigue effect that does not go away until you kill all the Elder Guardians that protect the monument inside,
Defeating all the Elder Guardians means you can then dig up the treasure rooms and get a lot of Gold and sponges. There will be more than one Ocean Monuments throughout the map, so keep your eyes open; try to conquer as many as you can.
23. Find the Mooshroom And Bring It Home
Mooshrooms are creatures in Minecraft found in Mushroom Island. They are basically red and white cows with mushrooms growing on them. Now, you may wonder why I would need a Mooshroom. The key feature is when you milk them, they give you mushroom stew.

Of course, you will need wooden bowls to get the stew from these creatures. Additionally, you can also use the shears on them to get the mushrooms on their back. However, shearing them turns them into regular cows.
24. Build a Racetrack
If you have friends over in your Minecraft world, why not try building a giant racetrack to race on. You can use Minecarts and rails along with a little creativity to make a track and race alongside.
You can even use the rails and the Minecart to make a whole track around your world to show your visitors what you have accomplished.
25. Create the Ultimate Armor and Weapons
If you have Netherite tools and armor, then you should get on the enchanting table and start enchanting them. It’s best to remember that once you enchant your gear, you cannot re-enchant them using the enchantment table.

However, you can add more enchantments to the gears using an anvil and enchanted books. Some of the best enchantments you can add to your tools are:
- Unbreaking
- Mending
- Protection
- Sharpness on your sword
- Sweeping Edge on your sword
- Feather Falling on your Boots
- Thorns on your armor
- Fortune on your Tools
- Looting on your weapon
There are more enchants you can experiment with and try to find the best ones that suit you.
26. Increase the Difficulty level
If you have been playing in normal difficulty, you can try playing in the hardcore mode. If it still does not present you with a challenge, you can download and install a mod that increases your difficulty level.
As mentioned earlier, you can install mods to add different elements to the game, but there are mods that let you increase only the difficulty.
27. Create an Art of Yourself
If you are bored, you can try using the different colored blocks of the game to create a self-portrait. Choose a picture and recreate it in your world.
If you feel fancy, you can go a step further and create your statue. These projects may take a lot of time and resources, but the rewarding feeling you get after their completion is outstanding.
28. Play with the Commands
Minecraft has tons of commands that let you activate certain features in the game. The commands give you control over the whole game. You can use them to do simple tasks like giving yourself some items to more powerful things like granting all the advancements to you.

Furthermore, the game also has command blocks powered by Redstone pulses. They also give you extensive control over the commands. However, the commands can be quite complex, and some knowledge beforehand would be fruitful.
29. Play Older Versions of Minecraft
Although it is only possible to play the older versions of Minecraft in Java Editions, you can go back and experience the early days of the game. You could also go back and play the version you first played Minecraft on and go down a memory lane.
Furthermore, you can also try out the different versions such as the Classic, Indev, April Fools versions, etc.
30. Go Heavy on TNT
You can use tons of TNT and destroy mountains and caves just for fun. Alternatively, you can make use of the TNT and blow your enemy base or controlled explosion to mine for resources.
31. Get Filthy Rich
If you have slain the Ender Dragon, you can safely focus on yourself and your base. While doing so, why not go on a treasure hunt? Not the regular buried treasure, of course, but to gather valuables in the game.

You can go and mine for gold and diamonds and collect so much that you may never need to go mining for them again. You can also find a way to trade emeralds with villagers, stock up on them, and you will never need to worry about the price hike of the items you want to trade.
32. Start Farming
If you are rich and have taken care of the bosses of Minecraft, you can start farming. Get your shovel and hoe and get to work on your field. Grow all kinds of plants you can find in the game.

You can start with basic items such as wheat and carrots. Then, find other plants like watermelon, pumpkin, Beetroot, and potatoes. Dig up the water canals, and enjoy the sunset from your home, looking over your growing field.
33. Speedrun Minecraft
If you believe to be a professional Minecraft player, you can take on the challenge of speedrunning. Speedrunning is the process of finishing the game as soon as you can, without getting distracted.
In Minecraft’s case, speedrunning means killing the Ender Dragon will be your last objective. Time yourself, and who knows, maybe you could be the next fastest speedrunner.
34. Start Over
If you have done almost everything you can in the game, you can create a new world and start everything again. Of course, it may seem like a tedious task. But, since you would be so used to your OP armor and weapons, you might slip up and make a big mistake.

So starting over and going back to your roots can be satisfying as well, especially if you have not done so in a while.
35. Unlock Secrets
If you are not aware of it, there are different secrets that you can unlock and experience the easter eggs. Nametags are the best examples of it. For instance, naming a sheep jeb_ makes the sheep’s wool cycle through all the colors available.
Another example is naming a rabbit Toast changes the rabbit’s texture changes in the memory of a rabbit of a Minecraft fan’s girlfriend, whose name was Toast.
Likewise, you can find out what unlocks the other easter eggs hidden throughout the game.